Obesity Specialist

Adam Karns, MD
Internist located in Beverly Hills, CA
Obesity is reaching epidemic proportions today, but it can be stopped. At his practice located in the Mid-Wilshire area of Los Angeles, California, Adam Karns, MD, can help. He offers a variety of treatments that can help you lose weight and keep it off. To learn more, call the office or book an appointment online today.
Obesity Q&A
How is Being Overweight Different Than Being Obese?
The difference between overweight and obesity is typically determined by Body Mass Index (BMI) numbers. The BMI is a height/weight ratio that is easy and quick to calculate.
People who have a BMI between 25 and 29.9 are categorized as overweight. People who have a BMI of 30 or higher are categorized as obese.
Why Does Obesity Happen so Commonly?
Obesity is growing increasingly common, particularly in the United States, today. There are a number of different factors that can contribute to obesity, including genetic background, cultural background, and environment.
However, in simple terms, the reason for obesity is consuming far too much food while getting too little exercise to burn it off.
What Are the Health Dangers Associated With Obesity?
Obesity carries many health dangers with it. People who are obese are more likely to develop heart disease, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure, and gallbladder disease.
They are also more likely to suffer from back pain due to the extreme pressure on the weight-bearing joints like the knees and hips.
Obesity may also impact the emotional health, as many obese people may become depressed or face other mental health challenges.
Can Obesity be Conquered?
Obesity can be conquered, as long as the patient is fully committed and dedicated to getting healthy. The weight loss needs to be approached as a lifestyle change rather than just a quick fix.
Dr. Karns can custom design a weight loss program for overweight and obese patients, one which will allow them to lose weight slowly but steadily. Prescription weight loss medication may also be helpful for obese people who need a jump start in their weight loss journey.
If a person follows a healthy diet and engages in regular exercise faithfully, there is no reason that they will not be able to conquer obesity and get healthy at last.
Learn more by calling the office or scheduling an appointment today.
We accept the majority of health insurance plans. Call us if you have any questions or you do not see yours listed.